Sunday, November 16, 2008

pls VOTE for my new poll!

i have a new Poll now!!

me and my other friends were talking about ... Christmas Party in town !!

we need more ideas on the costume to wear for Christmas Theme Party.(tis might be a so-called custome party or fancy dress party..v gonna have sumting special b4 december ends rite??!! u guys sure agree about tis tis is d special thingy here..and i reli hope it reali works out! so..nid every1 cooperation here as it's not a easy event to manage..thx!)

There is no free-theme for this moment and v nid all of your help!

so everyone please think carefully before you VOTE. give us more ideas.

if we have Christmas Party in town , sure you will be the first to be my pleasure.thank you.if you have any else ideas, please leave it in my Cbox.

everyone please vote this new poll.**huggss**